USB 1394 USB3.0 Angle type Cable |
| ChenYang is your store for any type of right angled USB or right angled FireWire cables, including Right Angle, Left Angle, Side Angle, Up Angle or Down Angle.
Since we're a small business, we understand that your needs aren't always filled by a cookie cutter design. So we take the time to find out what our customers are doing with their cables.
Our store is for anyone from consumers to engineers who are looking to buy a specific cable to fit their specific needs. We have Right Angle USB cables, Right Angle FireWire Cables, A to B cables, Short FireWire Cables, USB Repeaters, USB Long Haul Repeaters, and much, much more.
| | Source: ChenYang Time: 2011-4-23 10:52:55 |  |